Invited Speaker---Dr. Ali M. Akhmedov

Dr. Ali M. Akhmedov, Professor, Baku State University, the Republic of Azerbaijan
Biography: From 1966 till now, Dr. Ali M. Akhmedov works at the Baku State University, mech-math faculty. In 1995, he became the head of the department of "Theory of functions and functional analysis". In 1978-1979 years, he worked on probation at the University of Wisconsin (in Madison), USA and was electorates as a honour fellow of Mathematics of this University. He conducts the lessons of disciplines: Functional Analysis, Theory of Functions of Complex Variables, Special Courses of Operators. He is the author of more than 150 articles, 1 monography and 6 books. He has founded the spectral representations of all low integer powers of operator, which some natural power is a spectral as well. He also defined continuous dual of the space bVp (1≤p<∞) of the sequences with P-bounded variation, also the spectra and fine spectra of Cesaro operator and Difference operator in the spaces lp (1≤p<∞), co,c, bVp (1≤p<∞)
Research Interest: Functional Analysis, Spectral Theory of Operators- Differential Equations on Complex Domain.
Speech Title: On a Class of Iterative Processes and its Applications
Abstract: In this paper, we study the behavior of the sequence {an} of complex numbers satisfying the relation an+k = q1an + q2an+1 + ... + qkan+k−1, where {qm} is a fixed sequence of complex numbers. Such kind of sequences arise in problems of analysis, fixed point theory, dynamical systems, theory of chaos, etc. For example, investigating the spectra of triple and more than triple band triangle operator matrices, the behavior of such sequence required. From the point of application, the proved results and formulas in the literature for the spectra of the operator matrices look like very complicated. In this work, we eliminate the indicated flaws and apply new approach where the formulas for the spectra describe circular domains.
Keywords: Spectrum, Difference Operator-Matrices, the Sequence Space, Returned Sequence, Circular Domain.