Invited Speaker---Dr. Hector A. Tinoco

Dr. Hector A. Tinoco, Experimental and Computational Mechanics Laboratory, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, Antigua Estación del Ferrocarril, Edificio Fundadores, Manizales, Colombia
Biography: Hector Andres Tinoco received his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales (UAM), Manizales-Caldas, Colombia, in 2005 and M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Computational Mechanics from University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, in 2011. respectively. Since 2015, He has been working as an Associate Researcher in the Experimental and Computational Mechanics Laboratory (co-founder) at the UAM. Currently, he is a researcher at the Institute of Physics of Materials of the Science Academy of Czech Republic joined from 2017. He has been visiting researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), University of Newcastle (Australia), Central European Institute of Technology (Czech Republic), Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–NürnberG (Germany) among others cooperations. His research interests include modeling and simulation of multiphysics systems, bio-structural health monitoring, mechanical vibrations, optimization applied to structural analysis, energy harvesting applications, and mechanical properties of materials.
Speech Title: Piezo-actuated Device for a Bio-structural Monitoring Application Through Vibration-based Condition and Electromechanical Impedance Measurements
Abstract: This study presents a numerical and experimental development of a piezo-actuated device used for monitoring elastic changes or stiffness variations of its support structure through electromechanical impedance measurements. The piezo-device and its components define a clamped beam system activated dynamically by a piezo-actuator that transmits vibrations to the support structure (monitoring substrate). The dynamics of the piezo-device was simulated by finite element analysis (harmonic and modal analysis) to understand the mechanical effects of the substrate and the simulations were corroborated with dynamics experimental tests. With these comparisons, the modal shape and an interval frequency were selected from the frequency spectrum that presented higher sensitivity. To assess the piezo-device in a realistic context, a biomedical application was conducted in a bone specimen with three embedded teeth with the aim to monitor the stiffness variations induced by drillings in the bone. Impedance-based measurements show that bone monitoring could be possible through the teeth since the electromechanical impedance quantified these changes.
Keywords: Electromechanical impedance, structural health monitoring, bone, piezo device, finite element analysis
Acknowledgments: This research was funded by a grant from Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación (COLCIENCIAS) (Grant code 121974455599) legalized contract 739-2016 and obtained in the announcement 744, year 2016. Optional).